jeudi 16 septembre 2010

Games are more measurable than life.

  I don't really know who's reading this, since I don't get much comment. But, I suppose some of you are gamers. At least I am. And I'm kind of selfish, so I'll go over the gaming thingy anyway. But I wanna be famous, so I'll also try to make it KIND OF understandable. Pay atention to the caps. Maybe some of you already know some of this stuff, and therefor, will find it stupid. But its not. Don't you pretend knowing about nuclear fission or matching your shoes with your scarf when you don't. Its still easy for some others. That's the same.

  So, In video games, there is a kind that's call "RPG", standing for "role playing game". Altough ist a very large theme, most of them (and even some game that aren't RPGs) have XP ( for "eXperience Points) in it. And mostly, in games with XPs, you gain level. The more XPs, higher is the level. That basic. If you can comprehend this, give up. Or try to illustrate it with apple quarter, it may help you.

  Levels, represent the experience you character had in its life. Wich explain why the experience points. With level may comes or may not comes abilities. And skills. Only named skills here, for short. Skills are, well, the skills your character gained in its past experiences and adventures. New level unlocks skills before inaccssible. New levels generaly come with music, sound/light effecst with voice or not.

  Well imagine that in life. Some day, your just were just busy with some boring daily stuff, and, suddenly, You got the needed experience to do your job better! Plus, you can now pick up some skill that may even not be related with what you were doing at all! Like a "high jump", or a "mean look of death".

  Seriously. There is more in game to obtain than simply having multiple life. You may come back from the dead, but still, dying (in pain) is normally painfull (yes it is). So instead of returning till you lost all your chances, why not boosting yourself till there is merly no possibilities for you to die? Heroic acts should be rewarded by more than medals. ... Unless medals are acheivements.

  Also, Life should have a difficulty level ajustement. When you started up your day, you should be able to set how hard that day will be. "But everyone will just set it up to easy!!!" you said. " GAME NOOB" I answer. With more difficulties, you gain more XP, so, level up faster. So, knowing that you got a exam to pass, and you don't fucking know anything about it. You wake up, the day of the exam, set your life in easy mode, go to the exam, get a poor nuber of XP, but got a A. That great! You still need to level up befor you can go further, but still, you haven't been kicked out of the place. You may just do some harder stuff on the other days. OR, or, You need to remove weeds from your garden. Its somthing you masterise, and so, find kind of fun and easy. Set up the difficulty to "TOO HARD TO BE NAMEABLE", and go for it! Sure, the weeds may be 5 meters high, be trying to eat you, and bubbling acid dribble that shoot hyper laser, but, that's what extra life are for.

  You see? Games are perfectly balanced for real life, what are we waiting for?

2 commentaires:

  1. It would be awesome if you could learn the ability "Fly" (like in Pokemon).

  2. Talking about that, just wanted to remind you that nuclear fusion was like when you have many things and then it goews bam and boom end there you go, you have a scarf matching your shoes. And thanks, I like the colors in my room too ;)


Be kind enough. By the way, I love the colors in your room.